Welcome to Hipster's
We don't succeed in answering all the questions.
The questions we have found only serve to
raise a whole set of new questions.
In some ways we feel we are as confused as ever,
but we believe we are confused on a higher level
and about more important things.
-- N.N.
What's new:
- 20051113: reference to Ruby on Rails pushserver based on
- 20041003: new httpd development update by Patric Mueller,
who's proposing to fork the code and put in some major
enhancements. Please see code/changelog for details.
- 20040820: Gauche and librep code collections. Gauche, stklos and
librep major modes for GNU Emacs.
Ruby is an interactive
object-oriented scripting language. Ruby is the interpreted
scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented
programming. It has many features to process text files and to do
system management tasks (as in perl). It is simple,
straight-forward, and extensible.
- Local mirror
- Mirror of the latest stable Ruby sources.
1.8 development release by Patric Mueller.
httpd-1.6 1.6 stable
1.7 development release
- A simple http daemon for local use, supports CGI scripts.
Realtime on Rails:
- With this rails application, it is possible to stream
content and commands from a server to connected
browsers. Contains a push server based on
- deb 0.4
- Interactive front-end to depends, apt and dpkg for frequently used
functions. Uses readline for package-name completion. Can
easily be extended with more commands.
- depends 1.5
- ChangeLog
- A tool to determine the reverse dependencies of a Debian
package, i.e., what packages depend on a certain
package. Provides Package, Dependency, (Package)Pool and Cache
- mem 1.6
- Memory monitor for linux kernels >= 2.4.18. Shows /proc/meminfo in
tabular form at configurable intervals, somewhat like vmstat but
focused on the details of linux memory management.
- semaphore
- A generic multi-value Semaphore class with wait, signal and
synchronize methods.
- ruby.vim 0.5
- Updated for Ruby 1.6. Vim syntax coloring file for Ruby,
needs some more work. Vim versions 5.7+ and 6.0+ have a ruby.vim
in the distribution.
- Miscellaneous conceptual scripts
- 3darray: 3-dimensional array class
- any-all: existential and all-quantor
for Enumerable
- array-default: change
default fill value for Array
- composite: composite + visitor GoF
patterns (other patterns to come)
- dbc: Design By Contract try-out
- dispatcher:
dispatch to class methods based on text input
- extend:
2 different uses of the extend keyword
- function: math-like function
- generators:
generating a Fibonacci sequence using continuations (glarked
from ruby-talk)
- haskell: adds Haskell list
operations to Array (head, last, tail, foldl, scanl, take,
drop, take_while, zip etc., fairly incomplete)
- interface: simple interface
- interface-abstract:
interface pattern using `abstract :method' notation
- lruby: simple-minded literate
- mime: mime types abstraction
- net-clnt +
basic TCP/IP client and server pair
- pipe: uni/bi-directional pipe
- reduce: a generalized inject
- remove_class:
removing a class definition with remove_const
- sorts:
quicksort, mergesort, insertionsort, bubblesort (from the Ruby
- static-typed: proof of
concept for static typed attributes and methods (incomplete)
- symbolic:
Symbolic derivation. Ruby variant of the LISP program in
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, section
- unowned: lists files that are not
owned by any Debian package
- version_compare:
compare alpha-numeric version strings like '0.1a-9.5.4',
'1.2-alpha+1-2' and weirder
- xml: generic XML generation function
- gauche-mode.el,
requires r5rs.el.
- GNU Emacs major mode for
Gauche scheme. Provides gauche syntax for indentation
and font-lock, info lookup (gauche and R5RS), buffer-evaluation,
and key bindings.
- stklos-mode.el,
requires r5rs.el.
- GNU Emacs major mode for
STklos scheme.
- rep-mode.el.
- GNU Emacs major mode for
- Scheme code collections:
- Gauche Scheme code collection.
- librep Scheme/Lisp hybrid
code collection.
C/C++ projects
- x3d 0.1.1
- screenshot
- Interactive 3D-viewing of vector objects. Does hidden line removal
and dynamic lighting wrt. a point light source. Implemented using
the ax class lattice.
Archive includes:
- ax library
Simple X Window System abstraction layer. Provides abstractions
like axWindow, axEvent, axException, axObject, axVector (class
template for dynamically sized vectors a la Java). axWindowDBE is a
Double Buffer Extension window class for animations.
- matrix library
Matrix and vector classes; implements frequently used operations
like vector crossproduct, vector dotproduct, and matrix rotation,
inversion and determinant.
- xgrav 0.1
- screenshot
- Simulation of the chaotic behaviour of 3 point masses (planets,
moons), moving through 2D-space ruled by Newton's law of
Orbits are approximated using small, discrete time-steps. The
simulation could be made more precise using differential
Music: L'Equipe Orpheus
The Orpheus Equipe is a collective of three people going wild on
free-jazz*. The music is disorganized into a kind of rock-opera's,
improvised from start to end. This is our seventh album,
noting that the titles are tentative (as is the music).
Be warned that this is highly experimental music, though no musical
instruments were harmed during its creation. CD's are available
at material + shipping cost. Mail us.
More free Orpheus Equipe stuff and some flabbergasting artwork
is now available!
* `free' as in `free speech', and `free beer'.
Episode VII : The Stereo Sessions
1. Biddybiddybiddy heybuck
2. Andalligotwhasthislousyt-bird
3. Walking the frog
4. Basscamp 6
5. Flowers of dub
6. Laminanimal
Miscellaneous links
- A nice Linux distribution:
Debian GNU/Linux.
- Latest Linux kernels and patches: kernel.org
- ANTLR: ANother Tool for
Language Recognition; a predicated LL(k) parser generator,
features EBNF-like grammar notation, syntactic and semantic
predicates, generates parsers in C++, Java and GNU Sather.
XEphem is an interactive astronomical ephemeris program for
the X Window System with Motif (libmotif). It provides many
graphical views as well as quantitative heliocentric, geocentric
and topocentric information for earth satellites, solar system
and celestial objects.
- Great astronomical images:
Hubble Heritage,
STScI/HST Public Information,
2MASS: 2 Micron All Sky Survey.
- Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide
to the Galaxy. Become a researcher and contribute, go
It's not in slow motion, it's just traveling into the future
really really fast.
Last modified: Mon Mar 18 09:28:15 CET 2019 - Created: 1999-10-05
Please send patches, suggestions and comments to <reversethis-{ln.lla4sx} {ta} {retspih}>,
preferably using my GPG public key.
All code you find here is licensed under the
GNU General Public License.
Copyleft (c) 1999 - 2019 by hipster. All rights reversed.